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Assisting in every aspect of your case.
Drug Charges
Drug charges remain one of the most common crimes or our time. Due to the numerous local, state and federal laws regulating controlled substances, countless numbers of people have been arrested and charged with narcotic crimes.

Drug crimes can range from the not so serious (possession of marijuana) to the extremely serious (trafficking in cocaine) and everywhere in between.

If you have been arrested or accused of a drug crime, it is very important to have a competent experienced attorney on your side. The penalties for drug crimes can be quite harsh and range from probation with some treatment, to lengthy mandatory prison sentences. In addition there can be additional sanctions such as drivers license suspensions and felony registration.

I have handled hundreds of drug cases both as former prosecutor and now as criminal defense attorney. I has extensive experience with local court personnel such as prosecutors, judges and probation. This experience as a local attorney provides me with the knowledge to navigate the legal process, as well as explore alternative resolutions such as drug court, in patient treatment, and work offender programs.

I will vigorously defend the facts and allegations in your case, as well as explore alternative resolutions. When facing a drug charge you need a local experienced attorney who can help you down this frightful path.

Some Areas We Assist In
Possession, Trafficking, Prescription Drugs, Drug Court
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Serving Sarasota, Bradenton and Venice
© 2015 The Young Law Group
2801 Fruitville Rd, Suite 220
Sarasota, FL 34237
(941) 953-9692