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Traffic Charges
Florida, as with most states, has numerous traffic laws. Some laws are civil, such as a speeding or parking ticket, while other are criminal such as DUI and Driving on a Suspended License. It is important to know the difference, as they each have significantly different penalties.

When someone gets a civil ticket, the options, as most probably know, are to pay it, fight it, or go to traffic school. They usually result in a small fine and points on your license. Often times lawyers can represent a client on a traffic ticket, and potentially win it at a hearing, or negotiate a settlement with the hearing officer that doesn't involve points on the license.

Criminal traffic charges are a much more serious matter. They can range from misdemeanors to felonies, and often times come with license suspensions, lengthy probation, or even jail time. If you are faced with civil, or a criminal traffic charge, it is important to have an experienced, local lawyer fighting for you. It may simply seem like a ticket, but the potential penalties and lifestyle disruptions could be disastrous if it is not handled property.

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© 2015 The Young Law Group
2801 Fruitville Rd, Suite 220
Sarasota, FL 34237
(941) 953-9692